
Good design is Good People.
Good People is Good Design.
Our slogan “Good Design is Good People,” meaning that the best design makes the best people, is inspired by IBM CEO Thomas J. Watson’s comment that “good design is good business,” in turn a favorite saying of Florence Knoll, designer and founder of furniture makers Knoll, leaders in modern design.
Watson’s belief that better design makes for better business expresses in simple terms the philosophy of IBM as a company that achieved success by taking design seriously, and Knoll, a company whose modernist design approach made it a true trendsetter.
Taking our cue from this we have chosen “Good Design is Good People” for our new corporate slogan, out of the conviction that good design does indeed produce good people, and good people, good design.
For a Good Society
Good design is a means, and a philosophy, for improving people’s lives. A better way of life means living in an environment that is comfortable, creative, and conducive to personal caring and connection. By putting that philosophy into action ourselves, and communicating it to others, we aim to help grow more “Good People.”
We are currently expanding our operation from offices to services encompassing all the spaces people inhabit. Interior design and project management have always been important for us, in the belief that we should also offer proposals for the spaces that form the physical backdrop to furniture and other products, based on an understanding of the thinking behind design. A further initiative has been the recent launch of a subscription service as a new way of supplying furniture, creating opportunities for clients to use exquisitely-designed pieces in their own practical settings.
By providing people with products and furniture of better design, allowing them to experience the difference for themselves, and creating well-designed spaces and having people use those spaces, our mission at Interoffice has always been to demonstrate better ways of living, and help build a better society. A Good Society.